How to gain Self Esteem | The Self Esteem Builder

How to gain Self Esteem


Self esteem is one of those things, either we have it, or we don’t.


On a scale of one to ten how much self esteem do you have? Do you ever think to yourself how did that happen?


Before I got married I was a different person.


Or maybe you have floated through life without any at all. Then slowly you made a transition that you didn’t even realize that you did. You didn’t notice because you put your spouses, and your children’s needs ahead of yours.


There is nothing wrong with that at all. We all do. BUT, yes there is a but! We as women need to take care of number one. We set the tone of how we run our household. We can’t forget about us! We have an inner voice that needs to come out and someone needs to listen to it.


It is time to be heard!


We learn our self esteem at the young age of 11 – 15 from our Mother’s. Think back was your mom confident and happy with how she looked or was she full of self hatred? How do you think it impacted your life? What could have been done differently for you to be full of confidence?


How can you break the cycle?


How can you teach your children to be more self confident? There is no short answer. It is a process. One that you need to be committed to.