About me

About me what I do and why


Life is hard. How we react is of the most importance. It took me a long time to learn this.


I grew up bullied and abused. This led me to become someone who lacked self esteem and confidence.


I would walk through life full of voices in my head telling how stupid, worthless and ugly I was. I felt defeated every single day. This seeped into every other aspect of my life. I didn’t realize it. I believed those words whole heartedly. I didn’t know that when I gave into them, that I became them. It wasn’t until I released those around me who fed that voice and started to do the inner work that I learned to love myself whole heartedly.


It took great strength to move past this time in my life. It was because of my past that I ended up creating a business where I empower others to become their best possible self. After I had gained my confidence I went to school and became a Social Service Worker. I am currently in school to become a social worker at a local university.

It was because of my past that I learned how to overcome my own lack of confidence and self esteem. It was at this time that I saw too many people who struggled liked me. I offer online courses The Secret to Self Esteem, The Secret to Self Care, Photography for Entrepreneurs and Photography for Parents. I also offer photography in boudoir, beauty children, headshots and personal branding. Coaching for business owners.


When you own your own business, you learn quickly that it has more to do with business that your passion. It is 10% your passion and 90% business. I struggled hard to learn about business and how to gain my self esteem. It took many years before I figured out both of these. Now, I love to share my wealth of knowledge with others. I love to help others. This is why I love to empower others to become their best possible self.


You too can get through your struggles to become your best version of yourself. You got this. If you need help please reach out.