Learn to take better photographs

You don’t need to spend big money for items that you think will help produce a better photo.


OMG!!! This looks amazing! ::as I drool over my latest obsession:: (that I think that I need) I need this! It will help bring my photos from drab to fab. Seriously they will be next level. I am certain that it will. All I need to do is find a way. I NEED THIS in my life NOW!


If only I could afford it. I can put it on my credit card… Wow! Look at this. It really is incredible. ::you start to take photos with the said item:: why is it not working. I thought if I purchased all the things that it would get easier. Now this is useless and I can’t do a thing with it. I just wasted all that money on something that I thought I needed, but did not. It is too late to even return it.


Now what am I going to do?!


We all have these moments of the bright shiny object syndrome. We think we need something, but really, we do not.


I often think when I have money sitting in my bank account that oh I can get a new lens.

Many people think that you need all this fancy gear for taking photos. Here is the BIG secret you don’t. Allow me to explain!

I now ask myself prior to purchasing new items for my business, will it make my ship go faster? If the answer is no than I do not purchase it. It has helped me save so much money! Nine times out of ten, I do not need this item. Can I hold off in buying this for today, how about tomorrow or even the day after that?

Try it, honest it really and truly works well for me.